Automate Remediation CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark Using Terraform


This module creates an S3 Bucket and the required resources to enable CloudTrail.

The following resources will be created:

  1. S3 Bucket with policy.
  2. CloudWatch Log Group.
  3. IAM Role fow sending CloudTrail logs to CloudWatch.
  4. KMS for log encryption.
  5. CloudTrail.
  6. CloudWatch security alarms for CIS AWS Foundation Benchmark v1.2.0


module "cloudtrail" {
    source = "./Modules/CloudTrail"
    account_name = "accountname"
    region = "eu-west-1"
    email = "email-address"


account_name : (required) used to name the S3 bucket and the trail name.

region : (required) the region which the resources will be created in.

email : (required) the email that will recieve the SNS alarms.